

1. MAIL SENDING MANAGEMENT, SMS MARKETING: Manage a list of potential customers, email content, send mail Bulk, SMS and send SMS globally.

2. MARKETING CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT: Manage creating, tracking marketing campaigns, surveying potential customer needs, tracking customer needs to focus on suitable campaigns, questionnaires - survey responses, customer demand survey status visual goods by Kanban card.

3. MANAGEMENT SEGMENTS OF SALES: Manage to create and track sales segments and campaigns tailored to each segment.


1. SALES MANAGEMENT: Manage sales team, customers, leads, leads, estimated revenue per lead, leads, opportunities by Kanban card visual status, quotes, sales orders, production, product and product group announcements.

2. AFTER SALE SERVICE MANAGEMENT: After-sales complaint management, customer support and assistance.

3. OTHER FUNCTIONS: Customer call management center, contact de-duplication tool, delivery costs, profit margin on each order and price list tailored to each customer...


1. BUY ORDER MANAGEMENT: Manage quote requests, purchase orders, and supplier lists.

2. GOODS MANAGEMENT: Manage products, product groups and incoming goods.

3. CONTROL MANAGEMENT OF BILLING BILLS: Manage purchase invoices and invoices for incoming shipments.

4. OTHER FUNCTIONS: Manage purchase price list on each supplier, bidding, use multiple admin accounts on purchase orders, outsourcing, costing methods and allow through 2 levels of purchase order approval.


1. MANAGEMENT MESSAGES: Manage messages sent internally and externally; private and public mailboxes, allowing the content of sent messages to be converted into actions and internal chats.

2. PERSONAL WORK MANAGEMENT: Manage tasks according to the schedule, visual work notes by Kanban cards, the status of each job and allow to invite others to discuss your work.

3. OTHER FUNCTIONS: Allows setting up public and private group management; invite related users to join the group, cancel or opt out of the group, discuss and invite any related users on all arising tasks in the ERP system.


1. RECRUITMENT MANAGEMENT: Manage and track potential candidates, application letters, application documents, recruitment interviews and set up an online recruitment channel through the website.

2. TRAINING MANAGEMENT & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: Manage employee records (Name, personal information, general information), timekeeping according to system login, holidays, leave, develop employee skills and motivate employees to participate in challenges and armorial.

3. OTHER FUNCTIONS: Manage labor contracts on each employee, department, allow invoicing on timesheets, assign trainers and guide new employees.


1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Managing projects according to company plans and strategies: Improvement projects, research and development of new products, and other projects; Determine project completion time and manage risks.

2. WORK MANAGEMENT / TASKS: Display the tasks in the following order: Gantt chart, Kanban, Calendar...; Record timekeeping details for jobs/tasks; Allows creation of jobs/tasks from sales contracts; Built-in connection notes for tasks; Delegating work/tasks; Calculate estimated time on tasks.

3. SUPPORT & CARE: Follow up arising and incidents; Issue invoices according to the above working time; Generated from the body of the message sent.


1. MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT: Manage work orders, work orders, material planning and repair orders.

2. PRODUCTION PLAN: Production planning, work order by machine/workstation, product management, production process and order completion time calculation.

3. OTHER FUNCTIONS: Set the standard of raw materials (BOM) for the product; Manage BOM version, BOM cost, Resources, machinery, equipment: cycle time, pre- and post-production time, production capacity, operating cost/hour; Allows multiple material quotas per product and links accounting and management accounts.


1. MANAGEMENT OF ASSETS, EQUIPMENT: Asset information management: serial number, asset number, operating documentation, service start date, warranty date, warranty expiration date, manufacturer, asset supplier, equipment, condition status of assets, equipment, criticality, assignment of assets and equipment to maintenance personnel, and inventory of maintenance supplies.

2. MAINTENANCE REPAIR: Manage repair requests when problems arise, perform repair work and plan supplies, documents, resources from repair requests and assign maintenance person tasks.

3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE: Manage the history of machine running hours (assets, equipment), make preventive maintenance plans when assets and equipment come to the preventive maintenance cycle and demand for supplies for preventive maintenance.


1. IMPORT AND EXPORT MANAGEMENT & STOCK CONTROL: Manage import and export inventory, inventory quantity and value in real time, internal transfer, traceability: by movement, by batch, by serial number.

2. PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT: Product management and by product group/category, inventory and brand Adjust inventory, search for products by Barcode.

3. OTHER FUNCTIONS: Warehouse management: Warehouse hierarchy, warehouse name, location; Manage re-order laws, commercial terms, routes: production, purchase, maintenance, projects...; Manage outsourcing, batch shipments and calculate minimum inventory.


1. CUSTOMERS: Manage customer invoices, customer refunds, sales receipts, customer payments and customer information management.

2. SUPPLIER: Manage supplier invoices, supplier refunds, supplier receipts, supplier payments and supplier information management.

3. OTHER FUNCTIONS: Manage arisings, journal entries, bank statements, cash, account and tax systems. Export general (tax, partnership, governance, budget...) and statutory reports.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us!